12th Japan-Korea Symposium on
     Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS12)

    October 30 - November 2, 2022, Miyazaki, Japan

What's New

• Nov.06, 2022: Student Seminar page has been updated.  NEW! 
• Nov.02, 2022: NTHAS12 was successfully closed.
  NTHAS12 was successfully closed.  

Thank you very much for your participation.
See you again at NTHAS13!
(Click picture to enlarge)

Call for Papers

2nd flyer of Call for Papers (Updated: Sep. 06. PDF, 289kB)


Japan and Korea are the two leading countries designing and building up-to-date nuclear power plants in the World. In the hopes to contribute to the nuclear system performance with enhanced safety, the thermal-hydraulics divisions of Atomic Energy Society of Japan and Korean Nuclear Society initiated a biennial symposium program across the sea: Japan-Korea Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS). Since the first symposium (NTHAS1) in Busan, Korea in 1998, NTHAS has provided a unique opportunity to discuss up-to-date technical information and to interact with colleagues from the neighboring countries. The second to ninth meetings were held in Fukuoka (2000), Gyeongju (2002), Sapporo (2004), Jeju (2006), Okinawa (2008), Chuncheon (2010), Beppu (2012), Buyeo (2014), Kyoto (2016) and Busan (2018) with great success in technical quality and number of participants.

In 2022, the 12th Japan-Korea Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS12) will be held in Miyazaki, Japan. The official language of the symposium is English.

Abstract Submission

Abstract submission is now open. Authors should submit their abstracts of 400 to 500 words by April 15, 2022 through the symposium website. The Technical Program Committee will referee the submitted abstracts and select the papers to be presented at the symposium. Authors will be notified of selection by May 30, 2022.

The authors are required to submit either a full-paper (maximum 12 pages) or an extended abstract (maximum 4 pages) according to their preference. Draft papers for full paper will be required by June 30, 2022, for review.

Key Deadlines

(1) Full-paper presentation (with peer review) 
 Abstract submission April 15, 2022   April 30, 2022
 Notification of abstract acceptance May 30, 2022
 Draft paper submission for review June 30, 2022
 Notification of paper acceptance August 19, 2022
 Final paper submission September 16, 2022
(2) Extended abstract presentation (No peer review) 
 Abstract submission April 15, 2022   April 30, 2022
 Notification of abstract acceptance May 30, 2022
 Extended abstract submission September 16, 2022